Also contributing were Kevin (The Extra Mile podcast), Charlie (Cewtwo blog), Margaret (Flutter-bys Blog), Simon (theCurio), Brian (@Triboomer ) of the Stay Tuned Report podcast, John from the Poi, Gordon (Run to Disney podcast), Toni (Drusy's Blog), Norm Stumbler, Mark U (Run in America blog), Chris Russell (RunRunLive Podcast), Dan from 4FeetRunning and Shock of the News podcast, Stormin Norman, Garry Manhart (The Regional Runner podcast) and Ron (@Royboy21) ... and a few b-list celebs stopped by, Jenny McCarthy, Tom Cruise and Barry Bonds, Vino from the inter-Glactic race and special appearances of John and Lynn Walker.CONGRATS TO STEVE: There once was a boy born in Milton, Mass,
Who lucky for us grew up as a NON-bad ass,
Though he proved quite the geek,
And, couldn't care less that he was not chik!
This boy was born of the Walker clan,
But, a walker to remain was NOT part of his plan,
Since his boy John he and Lynn had,
And of his growing girth he KNEW to be bad.
So, he gave up his "Cheesy Poof" eating ways,
And of the doomed couch which had occupied his days,
And decided to become active in life, and all of its ways,
And he took-up his podcast mike for MUCH more than a phase.
For you see this geek was an engineer,
The radio kind, you dolt, so don't sneer,
Automating stations he had traveled the world,
Only a Red Sox Banner he had unfurled.
That first Phedip was five years ago,
Initially a blog, but then BINGO!
For now two-hundred thirty eight episodes on,
We knew this show was no con!
For we liked as a friend this persnickety Steve,
And of his four-hour marathon we KNOW he'll achieve,
With coach and advisor John on his side,
'Fore long we KNOW he WON'T be denied!
This poem is our way of saying to Steve,
Congratulations!! Especially for helping to conceive,
Phedip, Runner's Roundtable and THE Extra Mile,
And we hope, that you'll stay a very LONG while!!
(Mark U)