Monday, June 29, 2009

RRT 36 - Running Shoes

Mike (aka as Westy or RunWesty) with co-hosts Erin, Colin and Ari with a last minute add of Chris Russell of Runrunlive fame greeted Charlie as our guest at the table for a conversation about running shoes.

Charlie is the author of the Running with Coffee blog along with being the assistant manager at Fleet Feet Sports Chicago where he fits runners for shoes and he coaches beginning runners in a couch to 5K program called No Boundaries, which is a joint venture between Fleet Feet Sports and New Balance. Listen in as Charlie answered all of our questions on fitting of shoes, brands, types of shoes, cost, trends and a whole bunch more.

Mike writes the blog Westy's Running
Erin is the host of the podcast Tri N Reality and writes the blog - elements of erin 337
Colin (a.k.a. Resurrected Runner) writes the blog - The Resurrected Runner
Ari writes the blog - Run Ansky Run

My apologies to all in the chat room as I forgot to read off all of your names. A few of the ones I remember are Kelownagurl, Quadrathon, Joe G., Eddie Marathon, Cewtwo. To those I skipped sorry. I hope you all enjoy the show.

[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 36]

Thursday, June 18, 2009

RRT 34 Open Mike - Who do you run for?

Brian "Triboomer", and the Stay Tuned Report, editor of the newly published “The Meaning of Tri: The Hearts and Minds Behind the Swim, Bike and Run.” (book available exclusively at hosted an Open Mike with Toni ( and special guest, Scott Zagarino director of, a fundraising and awareness program of the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Also on the call were Roland, host of the 20 minute runner podcast
Colin, host of the blog
Tara, author of the blog and runner's community (check out the t-shirts!)
Eddie, author of the blog
Joe, author of the blog who recommends the Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Tim, fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and "Rawdomer" on twitter
Mango, co-host of the Triathlete's Coffeeshop podcast and TritheMango podcast
Chris Russell, host of the Runrunlive podcast

We also had SRoss82, Cewtwo ( and Dan of the 4feetrunning podcast in the chatroom.

[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 34]

Friday, June 5, 2009

RRT 33: Runners are Strange Creatures

We talk about our quirkiness. Counting miles, mapping out runs, agonizing over training schedule or even trying to plan family vacation around running events. Yes, it's true we DO that. For most this is just part of being a runner. For some it's the way that we are wired in the brain, and it's an outlet. We're talking about the full spectrum from the meditative relaxation of running to Obsessive Complusive Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome.
Nik and Dan, Planet3rry, Sage Rountree, Mark U. Shawn and Dirt Dog are around the table.

[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 33]