We talk with Dean Hebert (www.rxrunning.com), author of the books
Coach, I didn't Run Because... and
Runners Take Your Marks about excuses and why we really do want to run. Co-hosts were SteveRunner, host of the
Phedippidations podcast (www.steverunner.com), Christina (
www.lazybonesrunning.blogspot.com), Steve in Arkanas (www.twitter.com/SteveArk), Mike "DirtDawg", host of
Dirt Dawg Rambling Diatribe Podcast (www.dirtdawgramblingdiatribe.blogspot.com) and Toni (www.drusy.blogspot.com). We also heard about Dirt Dawg's epic 100 mile ultramarathon he ran last weekend! And our plans for the
World Wide Festival of Races and the UK Spires race team, being organised by Steve Chopper (www.amilewith.me.uk)
In the chatroom we had Cewtwo, host of his blog,
Recreation with Charlie (www.cewtwo.com), Joe Garland (www.runwestchester.wordpress.com), Chris "Duffrunner"
(www.duffrunner.blogspot.com), Lybbe, host of the podcast
Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), Matt Tartar, host of the
Dump Runners Club podcast (www.dumprunnersclub.com), Jim Hebert (Dean's brother), ClaudiaWard (Dean's co-coach), clang, cleason_uk, Jim J26, milesra and 21 un-named guests.
[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 41]