Nicole (http://www.runningbebe.com/),
LJ (http://www.wyotri.blogspot.com/),
Susan (http://www.irunformylife.blogspot.com/),
Chris (duffrunner.blogspot.com)
Donna and Jamie (http://www.itsarunningthing.blogspot.com/)
Tony (http://www.sjtony.blogspot.com/) couldn't make it this week.
"Marathon Advisor" John Ellis (the22miler.blogspot.com) and podcast goof-ball Steve Runner (Phedippidations) quiz them on their progress, successes, failures, and what they've learned about themselves and their training.
In the chatroom we had Toni, host of her blog www.drusy.blogspot.com ,Clewsy, Eatmydust, floogy, johnmichaelspuppy, mattallenphoto,Colin, host of his blog www.resurrectedrunner.blogspot.com, Cewtwo, host of his blog www.cewtwo.com, Matt from the Dump Runners Club podcast, Lybbe, host of the podcast Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), Terry from the Gravity@1053 Podcast (www.planet3rry.com), Mike from the Dirt Dawg's Rambling Diatribe podcast (www.dirtdawgramblingdiatribe.blogspot.com), Margaret, host of her blog, Flutter-bys (www.butterflyrunner.blogspot.com), Joe Garland, host of the blog www.runwestchester.wordpress.com, Dennrunner, Rolltide, Momontherun (either www.momrun.blogspot.com,Sotally Tober (www.sotallytoberrunning.blogspot.com), Brian "Triboomer", Host of the "Stay Tuned Report" Triathlon News Podcast, MaddyHubba, host of MaddyRuns blog (www.maddyruns.com), Gordon of the Run to Disney Podcast (www.runtodisney.com), and Chris Russell of RunRunLive Podcast
[ Click Here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 45 ]