Co-hosting are Steve Runner of the Phedippidations Podcast, Ann host of her blog, Redheadrunner, Chris Russell of the RunRunLive Podcast, Steve Chopper of the A mile with me Podcast, and Toni of the blog Drusy's Blog.
In the chatroom we had DevonIan (to keep us informed of the footie score), Brent Hopkins, Eatmydust, Cewtwo, host of his blog http://www.cewtwo.com/, Lybbe, host of the podcast Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), JimJ and Joe Garland, host of the blog http://www.runwestchester.wordpress.com/.
In the chatroom we had DevonIan (to keep us informed of the footie score), Brent Hopkins, Eatmydust, Cewtwo, host of his blog http://www.cewtwo.com/, Lybbe, host of the podcast Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), JimJ and Joe Garland, host of the blog http://www.runwestchester.wordpress.com/.