Team Point Two (
www.teampointtwo.com) Seven amazing fellow runners who have accepted the challenge to publically train for their next marathons, and four were on the call -
Susan (
www.irunformylife.blogspot.com), who's made it back into her pre-pregnancy running shorts,
Jamie (
www.itsarunningthing.blogspot.com) is struggling with hamstring pain,
Donna about to run the Portland Marathon and LJ (
www.wyotri.blogspot.com), discussing the wisdom of running a marathon to prepare for a marathon! Check out the rest of the team on their blogs;
Chris (
Tony (
www.sjtony.blogspot.com) and
Nicole (
Marathon Advisor, John Ellis (
the22miler.blogspot.com), fellow runner/Blogger Toni Harvey (
www.drusy.blogspot.com) and Joe Garland talk to the team and about the Spedding's "perfect" workout , from his book,
"From Last To First", reviewed on Joe's blog
Run Westchester.
In the chatroom we had Lybbe, host of
Fifty Counting Down podcast, Matt from
the DumpRunnersClub podcast, Erin,
host of Tri N Reality Podcast, NYLisa, Ari, host of his blog -
Run Ansky Run, DenaRae, and Lisa, host of the blog
[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 49]