As co-host, we had Thad, aka "RunnerDude" of ncrunnerdude.blogspot.com and running mentor for the new goal-oriented social site, www.TheCircle.org for its Long Distance Running and Run for Fitness circles and free-lance writer for www.AmateurEndurance.com.
Also co-hosting were Toni, host of her blog, drusy.blogspot.com. and Melisa, host of her blog, irishblue.blogspot.com.
Both Yuri and Thad addressed the difference between dynamic stretching and static stretching and the importance of stretching for injury prevention. Next, we moved on to nutrition. Yuri shared his nutritional approach with the group, which is based on incorporating more raw fruits and vegatables into your diet and consuming foods in their "unprocessed" state. In addition to stretching and nutrition, the group briefly discussed interval training - how it works and why it might help you become a better runner.
[Click here for RunnersRoundTable Episode 57]