LJ (wyotri.blogspot.com),
Susan (irunformylife.blogspot.com),
Chris (duffrunner.blogspot.com),
Donna and Jamie (itsarunningthing.blogspot.com) and Tony (sjtony.blogspot.com) all have ideas, while "Marathon Advisor" John Ellis (the22miler.blogspot.com) and Nicole (runningbebe.com) couldn't make the call.
Toni, host of her blog, drusy.blogspot.com, was timekeeper, and in the chatroom we had Cewtwo, host of his blog, Recreation with Charlie (www.cewtwo.com), Lybbe, host of her podcast, Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), Chris Russell from the RunRunLive podcast, Matt from the DumpRunnersClub podcast, Erin, the host of the podcast, TriNReality and host of the blog - elements of erin 337, Rudyb, and Steve Runner of the Phedippidations Podcast.