Steve Chopper, host of the "a mile with me" podcast talks to blind runners/guide teams: Phil and his guide Rich Scott, founder of the "Shared Vision Track Club" that helps find runner/guide pairs all over the US, located in Lousiana. Cindy, a blind runner from Phoenix, who was recently interviewed by the East Valley Tribune and Graeme, a blind runner who was featured on Runcast.tv . Co-hosting is Christina, host of her blog lazybonesrunning.blogspot.com and Toni is timekeeper (drusy.blogspot.com).
In the chatroom were Matt from the DumpRunnersClub podcast, Cewtwo, host of his blog, Recreation with Charlie (www.cewtwo.com), Kevin from The Extra Mile Podcast (www.theextramilepodcast.blogspot.com), Steve Runner from the Phedippidations Podcast (www.steverunner.com), flipdizzy, DevonIain JimJ, Marceloosilva from the blog marceloosilva.wordpress.com ( in PORTUGUESE ), Rhea, from her running blog, Personal Velocity: bexgirl.blogspot.com and Spencer from his blog, SpencerUSVI.blogspot.com (in the Virgin Islands!)
In the UK, contact the British Blind Sports site or the Royal National Institute for the Blind to volunteer to be a guide for a blind runner.
Check out the crazy video of Steve Chopper's recent London Santa Run MileVid-02 and WE CARE that he's doing the Poole 10k race around the lake on Boxing Day!
[Click here for RunnersRoundTable Episode 60]