The Crazyrunner, Matt http://crazyrunnermatt.blogspot.com (and podcast of the same name) and Steve Runner, host of the Phedippidations Podcast, along with Toni (Drusy's blog) hear from WWFOR runners - Mark U. who ran the Chicago Marathon for a fantastic PR & BQ (http://runinamerica.blogspot.com/), Joe Garland (http://runwestchester.wordpress.com/), Ari of the RunAnsky blog, Lybbe, host of the 50 Counting Down podcast, RunBridget's run with her daughter and sister, Eddie, host of his blog, http://eddiemarathon.com and even Terry (http://planet3rry.com) calling in DURING his WWFOR race!
Lots of support in the chatroom from JimJ, Harry1888, gchance, Matt from the Dumprunners Club podcast, Gordon, Steve Chopper from the a mile with me podcast, Sabuchan from Japan, SonsofLibertyRiders1, Melotte from the Netherlands, dennrunner and tspattern.
[Click Here to Listen to RRT Episode 51]