The Runners Roundtable, where runners from around the world share tips, tell stories, and keep each other motivated. Pull up a chair and join us, at the table.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
RRT 84 - Open Mike - Half Marathon Advice
There were lots of people in the chatroom including Nigelrunner, host of the Running From The Reaper Podcast, Matt host of the Dump Runners Club Podcastt, Brian, host of the "Triboomer" Stay Tuned Report Podcast, Gary Wall, who just completed his 50 mi at 50 run and blogs at Kinverkid.blogspot, Colin, host of the Resurrected Runner Blog and cyDave.
Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 84
Sunday, May 23, 2010
RRT 83: Running Blogs
Here's a link to a BUNCH of great Running Blogs!
Blogs mentioned:
Zen Runner Mentioned:
Steve Runner Mentioned:
Also at the table was: cewtwo, craigmacfarlane, liferunner, MarkU, ResurrectedRunner, verbivore, DAGs, forty2atforty2 and quest262 .
Thursday, May 13, 2010
RRT 82 - Reasons NOT To Run A Marathon
Thursday, May 6, 2010
RRT81 - Running to the Limits
You'll have to buy the video to find out if he made it! (here) and a portion of the profits will go to support a great charity to get shoes and healthcare to African young runners
[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 81]
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
RRT 80 - How to stay out of the Medical Tent
Listen in as Mike (Westy's Running), Albert (Albert Runs), Lesley (Going the Extra Mile) and Steve (Phedippidations) talk about their race experiences and how to avoid ending up in the medical tent along with what happens if you do venture into the tent.
Albert discusses his recent race which resulted in him spending quite a few minutes in the medical tent and we hear about Steve's recent Boston marathon where he should have spent some time in the tent. We discuss the most common reason most folks have issues, hydration.
Some products that were discussed during the show were Succeed (S-Caps) and Hammer Endurolytes.
We were joined in the chat room by -
My apologies in advance for the weak audio for me (Albert, Lesley and Steve sound great) and the technical issues at the end of the show that resulted in a few extra bonus minutes along with 5 minutes of silence.