We'll also talk with Mandy Mayer, a Girls on the Run coach, and one incredibly wise 9-year old girl in the programe, Catherine. Marathon Chris (www.marathonchris.blogspot.com) , host of the Running Adventures Podcast and her daughter, Carolyn talk about running together. Doug McCrae (also a Girls on the Run coach) and Toni (www.drusy.blogspot.com) also co-host and talk about their plans for the World Wide Festival of Races (www.worldwidefestivalofraces.com)
In the chatroom we had Cewtwo, host of his blog, Recreation with Charlie (www.cewtwo.com), Kevin from The Extra Mile Podcast (www.theextramilepodcast.blogspot.com), Tribabe (www.tribabe.blogspot.com), Chris the Duffrunner (www.duffrunner.blogspot.com), Steve Runner from the Phedippidations Podcast (www.steverunner.com), Lybbe, host of the podcast Fifty Counting Down (www.fiftycountingdown.blogspot.com), Terry from the Gravity@1053 Podcast (www.planet3rry.com), RTSAN, barefootkilt, Mike from the Dirt Dawg's Rambling Diatribe podcast (www.dirtdawgramblingdiatribe.blogspot.com), Jim J, Margaret, host of her blog, Flutter-bys (www.butterflyrunner.blogspot.com), monodactylus, melotte, Alberto, Meechelle and Nancy Heydinger (another Girls on the Run coach).
[Click here for Runners Roundtable - Episode 44]